“But what if it goes well?” A technique to help stay mindful of what could go right
Practice this technique to help with staying mindful of what could go right rather than what could go wrong.

What May Surprise you While Meditating in Nature: Using Your Senses to Connect and Reflect
Three ways to connect and reflect in nature that may bring about peace and a deeper understanding of the messages that nature communicates t

Let Emotions Flow Through You Like Waves in the Ocean
It may be helpful to envision your emotions as waves in the ocean that continuously flow in and out of you.
The One Phrase that May Just Transform Your Definition and Idea of Self-care
Learn and repeat one phrase that will help to solidify your own personal definition of self-care.
Change the phrase “New Year’s Resolutions,” into “Is this moving towards or away from my goals?”
Using the phrase, "Is this moving towards or away from my goals?" can help turn New Year's Resolutions into goals that were ac

“I am here, and it is now.” An enlightening approach to discovering what you are truly grateful for.
How to practice gratitude by becoming more mindful of day-to-day moments

A few valid and important reasons for the need to have a niche of working with the LGBTQ+ Community
Learn about why it is important to have a specialty of working with the LGBTQ+ community.
Angry And Pissed-Helpful And Valid Emotions That Can Be Used to Serve You If You Focus On Responding
Anger is a valid and real emotion that requires an equally valid response. Learn how anger can be used to serve you and how you can respond

Back to School-And all that comes with it
When returning back to school and being faced with all that comes with it, sometimes we just need someone to talk to.

We have all we need: The practice of being grateful
In order to appreciate things as they are, we have to pause and be mindful of what we are grateful for.